Community Clinics

Wellness and RHDV Vaccination Clinics

Napa Bunnies has teamed up with Dr. Siperstein (Dr. Sip) to offer wellness and vaccination clinics in Napa. Our next clinic is on Saturday June 1st, 2024. We will be using the US made Medgene Labs vaccine that requires a second dose 21 days after the initial one unless your bun was previously vaccinated with Medgene which requires a single annual booster. You will be automatically scheduled for the booster shot on June 22nd, 2024 if needed. If your rabbit was previously vaccinated with the European imported vaccines ERAVAC or FILAVAC, you will need to get the initial two doses of Medgene vaccine. Please don't wait to register, space is limited!

It's important that your rabbit gets a wellness exam at least annually. Since the RHDV vaccine requires an annual booster, it's a great opportunity to do both at the same time.

Cost is $100 per rabbit and includes the exam and both vaccine doses. If you need a little help $, let us know! If you are a Napa resident please inquire about our income eligible program.

If you are interested in participating in our next clinic, please email or register online

For more information about the Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, please visit the RHDV webpage

For more information about Medgene, please visit their website

Keeping Bunnies Healthy and Happy